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Opening hours & location Select


01276 36996

2, White Hart House, London Road

Blackwater, GU17 9AD

Sun-Thur 11.00am-0.00am
Fri, Sat 11.00am-1.00am


DUE TO COVID-19 and upsurge in orders and less staff, some deliveries may take longer than normal, please bare with us during this time, we are trying our best to provide for everyone.

Please stay safe, and stay home!

Food Allergen charts are currenlty available in store


Chandlers Ford

Opening hours & location Select

Chandlers Ford

023 8026 3126

95b Winchester Road, Chandlers Ford

Southampton, SO53 2GG

Sun - Thur 11:00 - 22:00   Fri - Sat 11:00 - 22:30

Food Allergen charts are currenlty available in store.


Opening hours & location Select


020 8566 6566

211 Ruislip Rd (Next to Hare & Hounds Public house)

London, UB6 9RZ

Opening Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - 12 to 11 pm

Friday & Saturday -  11 am to 11 pm

Sunday - 12 to 10 pm

Orders accepted up to 15 min before closing time

Food Allergen charts are currenlty available in store


Opening hours & location Select


023 8020 7077

3 The Marsh Hythe

Southampton, SO45 6AJ

Sunday - Thursday 12:00 - 22:00hrs 

Friday - Saturday 12:00 - 22:30hrs

DELIVERIES-All deliveries are contact free-Please allow our driver to place your order on the doorstep and knock before you open the door, Thank you.

Deliveries can take longer on busy evenings, please call the store for an estimated delivery time.

Food Allergen charts are currently available in store.


Opening hours & location Select


01895 478876 or 01895 902812

15 Long Lane

Ickenham, UB10 8PA

Monday - Thursday 11.30am to 11pm 

Friday & Saturday 11.30am to 12.00am

Sunday 11.30am to 11pm